Patient and Carer Sarcoma Information

Being diagnosed with sarcoma can be an overwhelming experience. Sudden lifestyle changes - such as a sarcoma diagnosis - can have a physical, mental, emotional and financial impact on your way of life. 

Alongside ANZSA, there are other reliable sarcoma resources that aim to assist newly diagnosed sarcoma patients – as well as carers and family members – find relevant information as to what they may experience during their sarcoma journey.

These resources have been approved by the Board of ANZSA and will be updated regularly to include new resources and information. 

Resource Description

Cancer Council Australia - Sarcoma

A guide to what is sarcoma produced by Cancer Council Australia

Sarcoma UK - About Sarcoma

Dedicated to helping patients understand what sarcoma is and how it affects people differently (UK Site)

Sarcoma UK - Soft Tissue Sarcoma Dashboard

A plain language summary of common Soft Tissue Sarcomas and their subtypes

Rein in Sarcoma - About Sarcoma

Further information dedicated to helping patients understand what sarcoma is and how it affects people differently

ANZSA - Sarcoma Guidelines Plain English Summary

Aim of the ANZSA Sarcoma Guidelines and summary of series 1 and 2 of the guidelines with multiple language options available

eviQ - Sarcoma

Patient information on chemotherapy regimen for different types of sarcomas